Have you ever thought about all the higher value things that you could do if there was a way to break free from time consuming chores, like vacuuming? As you probably already know, that better scenario is in perfect reach by replacing yourself with a robotic vacuum cleaner. In this review we’re taking a look at the ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner.
Man has been on a constant trial, for centuries now, to find ways and means of ridding himself of labor, manual as well as mental. A robot is a machine which does not require direct manual supervision to alter its behavior or activity according to situational dynamics. The floor robot vacuum cleaner is designed to clean the floors of the house unsupervised. Some models can be activated remotely over the Internet, or using your smartphone.
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ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Features
ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner makes a number of sweeps over the designated area. High tech sensor circuits analyze the amount of dirt there is on the floor and compute the amount of cleaning required. This determines the number of times it cleans a certain patch. Its special design allows it to clean under beds and otherwise hard to reach places.
The wonderful thing about this floor cleaner which makes it a robot is its ability to navigate its way around the room without knocking over or bumping into the furniture. That’s why you can leave it to do its work unsupervised. Some models use bump-detection to detect an object in their way. If you get one of these then it’s better to get one with rubber bumpers to avoid damaging the furniture as well as the robot.
The floor-cleaning ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner does an almost perfect job of cleaning the floor. Other types of robots generally do suffer from an inability to clean really tight areas, especially at the edges of wall and floor boundaries, and the corners of the room. Thus, those areas will have to be handled manually; unlike with the ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner. Manual cleaning is still required for staircases and steps. The robots also have a strange appetite for the loose fringes at the edge of rugs and carpets! This causes the robots to stall, and you have to run to their rescue. All these are run-of-the-mill problems are currently being addressed by the designers of the ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner robots.
The robot works on any flooring surface that is common in households and offices. It is good at picking up the usual mess around the house, bits of paper and plastic, matchsticks, hair shed by your pets, and even a little water or other liquid spilt here and there.
The robots work off built-in rechargeable battery supplies. When the charge gets depleted an audio-visual alarm prompts you to recharge the robot’s battery. Some models release you from this task as well, returning by themselves to a charging station for a recharge. The price of the robots varies according to the features they have. The price can range all the way from affordable to way-too-high-for-me!
The biggest advantage of the robot floor cleaner is that it frees you from diverting your time and attention to this daily chore. If you look at it this way, the robot floor cleaner saves you your time. But it does take quite a while longer to do its job compared to the time it takes to do the job yourself. The best thing is to turn it on when you leave for work. The floors will be clean when you return.
In conclusion, one thing that you will have to do for the ILIFE A4 Robot Vacuum Cleaner vacuum cleaner is to clean its dust bag when it gets filled. The robot is definitely well worth the money, being compact, good at cleaning, and especially for being able to operate unsupervised.